Arnar Bragi Ingason

Greinar sem eru þegar birtar úr doktorsverkefninu: og
Í heildina byggir ritgerðin á eftirfarandi 5 greinum:
- Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants: Nationwide propensity score-weighted study. Under review.
- Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Rivaroxaban is associated with higher rates of gastrointestinal bleeding than other direct oral anticoagulants: A nationwide propensity score-weighted study. Ann Intern Med 2021;174:1493-502.
- Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Warfarin is associated with higher rates of upper but not lower gastrointestinal bleeding compared to direct oral anticoagulants: a population-based propensity-weighted cohort study. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Article in press.
- Ingason AB, Rumba E, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES, Tryggvason G. Warfarin is associated with higher rates of epistaxis compared to direct oral anticoagulants: a nationwide propensity score-weighted study. Journal of Internal Medicine. Article in press.
- Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Lund SH, Ágústsson AS, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Comparison of medication adherence between different oral anticoagulants: a population-based propensity-weighted cohort study. Under revie
Innlend og erlend þing þar sem niðurstöður doktorsrannsóknar voru kynntar
Oral Presentations at National Conferences:
Ingason AB, Rumba E, Hreinsson JP. Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Tryggvason G, Björnsson ES. Warfarín er tengt við aukna tíðni nefblæðinga samanborið við beina storkuhemla [Warfarin is associated with higher rates of epistaxis compared to direct oral anticoagulants]. National Surgery and Anesthesiology Conference of Iceland. 2022 April 1st. Reykjavik, Iceland. Presentation received an award for best oral presentation of the conference.
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Agustsson AS, Lund SH, Reynisson IE, Gudmundsdottir BR, Onundarson PT, Bjornsson E. Warfarin is associated with higher rates of upper but not lower gastrointestinal bleeding compared to direct oral anticoagulants: A population-based propensity score matched cohort study”. Digestive Disease Week. 2020 May 3rd. Virtual conference.
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Lund SH, Bjornsson E. Rivaroxaban is Associated with Higher Rates of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Compared to Other Non-Vitamin K Anticoagulants: A Population-Based Propensity Score-matched Cohort Study. Digestive Disease Week. 2019 May 19th. San Diego. CA. Presentation received the Young Investigator Award.
Posters at National Conferences Outside Iceland:
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdottir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Comparison of Medication Adherence Between Different Oral Anticoagulants: A Propensity Weighted Nationwide Cohort Study. International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Congress. 2020 July 12th. Virtual Conference.
Agustsson AS, Ingason AB, Reynisson IE, Hreinsson JP, Bjornsson ES. Is Oral anticoagulation associated with improved survival in colorectal carcinoma? Digestive Disease Week. 2020 May 2nd. Virtual Conference.
Agustsson AS, Ingason AB, Reynisson IE, Hreinsson JP, Bjornsson ES. Causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in oral anticoagulant users compared to non-users. Digestive Disease Week. 2020 May 2nd. Virtual Conference.
Agustsson AS, Ingason AB, Reynisson IE, Hreinsson JP, Bjornsson ES. Causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in oral anticoagulant users compared to non-users. Digestive Disease Week. 2020 May 2nd. Virtual Conference.
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Lund SH, Bjornsson ES. Non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants have lower rates of gastrointestinal bleeding compared to warfarin: A population-based propensity score-matched cohort study. Digestive Disease Week. May 20th 2019. San Diego, CA.
Posters at National Conferences in Iceland:
Rumba E, Ingason AB, Björnsson ES, Tryggvason G. Samanburður á meðferð og alvarleika nefblæðinga tengdri notkun storkuhemla: Landlæg þýðisrannsókn. [Comparison of the treatment and severity of epistaxis related to oral anticoagulation use: Nationwide cohort study]. National Surgery and Anesthesiology Conference of Iceland. 2022.
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Rivaroxaban hefur tengsl við hærri tíðni meltingarvegsblæðinga en aðrir beinir storkuhemlar [Rivaroxaban Is Associated With Higher Rates of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Than Other Direct Oral Anticoagulants]. National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021 November 6th. Received an award for best abstract by a resident.
Ágústsson AS, Ingason AB, Pálsson D, Rumba E, Reynisson IE, Hreinsson JP, Björnsson ES. Samanburður á orsökum neðri meltingarvegsblæðinga milli einstaklinga á blóðþynningu og án blóðþynningar um munn [Causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in oral anticoagulant users compared to non-users]. National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021 November 6th.
Ágústsson AS, Ingason AB, Pálsson D, Rumba E, Reynisson IE, Hreinsson JP, Björnsson ES. Samanburður á orsökum efri meltingarvegsblæðinga milli einstaklinga á blóðþynningu og án blóðþynningar um munn [Causes of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in oral anticoagulant users compared to non-users]. National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021 November 6th.
Ágústsson AS, Ingason AB, Pálsson D, Rumba E, Reynisson IE, Hreinsson JP, Björnsson ES. Hefur meðferð með blóðþynningarlyfjum um munn tengsl við aukna lifun sjúklinga með ristilkrabbamein? [Is Oral anticoagulation associated with improved survival in colorectal carcinoma?]. National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021 November 6th.
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Samanburður á meðferðarheldni blóðþynningarlyfja um munn: Landlæg þýðisrannsókn [Comparison of adherence between different oral anticoagulants]. National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021 November 5th.
Rumba E, Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Tryggvason G, Björnsson ES. Samanburður á meðferð og alvarleika nefblæðinga tengdri notkun storkuhemla: Landlæg þýðisrannsókn [Comparison of the treatment and severity of epistaxis related to oral anticoagulation use: Nationwide cohort study] National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021 November 5th.
Ingason AB, Hreinsson JP, Ágústsson AS, Lund SH, Rumba E, Pálsson DA, Reynisson IE, Guðmundsdóttir BR, Önundarson PT, Björnsson ES. Rivaroxaban hefur tengsl við hærri tíðni meltingarvegsblæðinga en aðrir beinir storkuhemlar [Rivaroxaban Is Associated With Higher Rates of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Than Other Direct Oral Anticoagulants]. Vísindi á vordögum. 2021 April 28th.
Verðlaun og viðurkenningar
RANNÍS styrkur fyrir doktorsverkefnið. Project title: The efficacy and safety of oral anticoagulants: population-based study
Grant number: 207113-051
Eftirfarandi verðlaun fyrir rannsóknir tengdar doktorsverkefninu:
- Young Investigator of the Year at Landspitali University Hospital. 2022.
- Award for best oral presentation at the National Surgery and Anesthesiology Conference of Iceland. 2022.
- Award for best scientific abstract at the National Internal Medicine Conference of Iceland. 2021.
- Young Investigator Award for outstanding oral presentation at Digestive Disease Week. 2019.